Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Welcome to nonfiction publishing

Somebody needs to collect in one place relevant and helpful information about using online resources for the publishing of user-driven content.

Let's start with this piece by Rich Schefren, which starts out hyperactive but settles down after several pages into an essay of merit about online publishing.

I found the nuggets starting to settle in the pan about page 19, where Rich talks about important it is to capture attention if you want to win customers. And not just a loud blaring on the megaphones, but the kind of attention that leads to trust and supportive business relationships. He suggests establishing low-key conversations with marketing prospects, gradually building rapport.

For a more academic treatise on the same general topic of online publishing for serious purposes, try this link. The title of this piece is "Will E-Books Change the World?" by Terje Hillesund. Here's a quote I picked up: "
Groups most inclined to start reading e-books are those that are interested in new technologies and devices, for example those naturally using computers, networks and cell phones."